Solstice Canyon Park, Malibu, California, USA
July 2018
Member of the Sylvid Family
[Etymology Corner] As you might expect from a bird with a name from the 'we don't know what this bird is' school of naming, there has been some dispute about exactly what family the Wrentit falls in. Is it a Tit? No, but we used to think so. Is it a Wren? Not even close, but it does have an upturned tail like one. For a while we thought that Wrentits were the only member of their own family, ala Limpkins. It turns out that Wrentits are the only representative of a family of birds mostly found in the Mediterranean and Asia, which include parrotbills and babblers.
~True Bird Fact~ A remarkably sedentary bird, Wrentits live only in the narrow stretch of land on the North American coast between the Sierra Mountains and the Pacific. Even more shockingly, these birds barely leave the immediate area of their nest, usually making their own homes only 1200 feet away, on average, from where they were born.
If you want to know where this bird lands, politically speaking, I got one word for you: Chemtrails
Specific junk-food tastes (i.e. only ruffled potato chips)
Collects old magazines and newspapers with 'significant' headlines. Will happily explain his collection to you
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