Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Marsh Wren

Marsh Wren aka. Long-billed Marsh Wren
Coyote Hills Regional Park, Fremont, California, USA
April 2021
Member of the Wren Family
§A Herd of Wrens§

~True Bird Fact~ The male Marsh Wren is a busy bird, making 'dummy nests' during breeding season to create a diversion for potential predators while the female broods in the real one. Often a dozen or more of these nests are made, but never used for eggs. Lest you think he's a good dad, he also goes around and destroys the eggs and kills the young of other birds in the marsh, both other species and his own. Red flag city over here.

-I would say, with an amateur level of psychoanalysis, that this bird does what he does out of extremely anxious feelings and insecurity
-Has a collection of baseball hats
-Might be a cop