Nanday Parakeet aka. Black-hooded Parakeet aka. Nanday Conure
Solstice Canyon Park, Malibu, California, USA
July 2018
Member of the Lorie, Parakeet, Macaw, and Parrot Family
§A Chatter of Parakeets§
Native To: Central South America. Namely, South-western Brazil and Bolivia, Paraguay and the northern tip of Argentina. A really hearty parakeet, and a popular companion bird, they've made stable breeding populations in a lot of places. You can find Nandays in LA, San Antonio, Phoenix, various Floridian cities, Puerto Rico, and even Haifa, Israel. They're so good at surviving that they've been banned as pets in some states, since they can have a negative impact on native species.
~True Bird Fact~ Popular pets still for their temperment and intelligence. They live up to 20 years, learn to speak, and can do tricks. They're also known to give their owners a shock by sometimes falling asleep on their back with their feet sticking up in the air. I wonder if this behavior happens in the wild...
A blogger
A new father, sporting a trademark sense of discomfort from not really knowing what he's doing
You know, if you think about it, it makes a lot of sense that posts on his blog would decrease pretty significantly, at least during the first few months of his son's life.
And I'm sure his readers won't mind and will be totally understanding, and maybe even prefer pictures of the baby over pictures of whatever he was posting before
You know, there's something about this bird and his personality that feels... familiar to me. Probably nothing. Either way, look for more exciting bird blog posts, probably like, once a month.
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