Gulls. Graceful, straightforward, with just a little bit of melancholy to them. Wonderful birds. And yet your amateurnithologist begins to feel a sense of dread whenever he tries to blog about them. They are, simply put, ridiculously difficult to ID correctly. For me, at least. Using this absurd flowchart (from a website published in the year 2000!) and google image search, I have come to the conclusion that today's Gulls are Western Gulls, which I've already written about, all the way back in blog post 3.
But what's this? It seems I identified that previous gull as a Pacific Gull. Pacific, Western.. synonymous really. Except one of them lives in Australia. Oops. Add to this embarrassment that the blog in question was already about how I had probably misidentified an earlier Gull and you have the makings of a real debacle (debirdcle?)
Call today's blog post a new beginning. I still don't feel like someone who can actually identify gulls, but that isn't going to stop me from posting them. Let's catch up with our old friend, The Western Gull, and see how he's doing.

Hard times have fallen on Western Gull's extended family and he recently has had a brother, his mother, and his brothers kids move in with him, making for a cramped and tense living situation. Somehow Western Gull is coping with the chaos. He likes the busy atmosphere and finds it harder to fall into a negative cycle with so many people around.
Oh.. and if you want to see the full video:
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