Bird Image Attirbutions

Usually we here on amateurnithologist use only our own bird images, but for this article we had some birds that we didn't have solid pictures of. The images came from and these photographers:

Lincoln's Sparrow, Glenn Bartley
Northern Cardinal, Rolf Nussbaumer
Cedar Waxwing, Laure W. Neish
Swainson's Hawk, Dustin Huntington
Sandhill Crane, Arthur Morris
Eared Grebe, Greg Lasley
Mottled Duck, Bill Gozansky
Greater Roadrunner, Rick and Nora Bowers
Harpy Eagle, Guilherme Jofili
Northern Flicker, Johann Schumacher
Reddish Egret, Bob Bailey

The kiwi .gif was made from the BBC nature series Life of Birds featuring the incomparable David Attenborough. For more .gifs from this show, click here

The goslings were my own.

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