Yellow-eyed Junco
Madera Canyon, Arizona, USA
July 2019
Member of the American Sparrow Family
§A Meinie of Sparrows§
~True Bird Fact~ Yellow-eyed Juncos are, in their local range, abundant, sedentary, and often stick around the same location. They also do well with captivity, so, as a result, this bird has been used for a lot of scientific behavioral study. Not the kind of thing I would have guessed, as the bird itself looks like it might have firestarter powers.
~Real Bird Myth~ The native people of Mexico (within which most of this bird's range falls) had another name for it- Echa-lumbre, which means 'caster of fire' or 'lightning bird'. Here's an audio story on bird note about it. The Veracrucian people believed the bird absorbed sunlight by day and released it through its eyes at night. This is, to be honest, much more in line with the characterization I was imagining.
I guess in this case you can speculate about the Yellow-eyed Junco's personality as you choose. Do the scientists have it right? Or the Veracrucians? I know which one is more fun to think about, so I'm just going to picture this bird shooting lightning from it's eyeballs at scientists who try to do experiments on it.
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